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About Exceed

About Exceed

Exceed Triathlon Club was founded in 2010 as a place for aspiring triathletes to be amongst like-minded friends.  It has grown into a high quality racing and training club with a solid work ethic and a great club ethos.  At Exceed everyone is welcome whether you are a first timer or a multi race winner.

Although the club only started in 2010, the Exceed Training Squad started 4 years before, producing many a champion triathlete.  However the actual seeds of Exceed Triathlon Club were sown back in 1989 when 3 young men found the sport of Triathlon.  The enjoyment, camaraderie, fitness, and sheer pleasure of training and racing with friends has kept all 3 in the health and fitness lifestyle to this day.  Even the Exceed name was born in those early days.

​This foundation of friendship, support, achievement and fun is still being felt by new generations of triathletes.  Exceed is a Triathlon Club for triathletes who are looking for the most effective way to achieve their full sporting potential.

Exceed has a team of expert coaches who are passionate about helping triathletes exceed their goals and achieve the success that they have yet to dream of.

The Club focuses on mentoring individuals on how to improve their personal bests and its members have accomplished an impressive list of wins and places in State, Australian and World Championship events in Sprint, Olympic, Long and Ironman triathlon.

Athletes joining Exceed value a ‘hands-on’ approach to coaching. This approach includes a belief that you must know an athlete well in order to best guide them on how to reach their full potential and remain injury free.


A key element of the Club’s success is its ethos that a positive team spirit is central to improving individual member performances. Team members provide encouragement and support to each other and developing athletes receive invaluable guidance from the more established members.


At Exceed we have had many average athletes that have changed their lives and sporting careers to become exceptional triathletes and people.  Exceed holds this very close to its heart, changing lives for the better with sport, fitness and health. 


Out of that mix we have had marriages, friendships, engagements, mates and everlasting memories of great times shared amongst like-minded people.

As the Exceed family grows we will have more stories to tell.  As we grow we will also grow our history, and everyone is welcome to join us on that journey

Exceed Triathlon Club is the club for racing, training and friendship!

#drop the hammer

#Drop the hammer

The Hammer

The hammer or "Mjolnir" has become a  well  known mascot in and around the Perth Triathlon circuit.   It has become a symbol that is associated with  Exceed triathlon club.  For  Exceed it has become an integral part of  the clubs history, culture and ethos.    Exceed members are always encouraged to “Drop the Hammer” (Race and train hard)




History of the Hammer

In 2013 two of Exceed's members were enjoying a coffee after a hard training session on the road to training for  London world championships.  It was during this coffee session that  Nicholas Kitis and James Brodie decided that Exceed needed to  have a club mascot.   

Together they threw around some ideas but in the end decided that only one thing could possibly  encompass the spirit of the club and that was  “Mjolnir” Thors hammer.     

In Norse mythology, Mjölnir is the hammer of Thor, the Norse god associated with thunder. Mjölnir is depicted in Norse mythology as one of the most fearsome and powerful weapons in existence, capable of leveling mountains.


So with their idea and with the assistance of Nicholas brother Exceeds Mjolnir hammer was born.    


“Mjolnir”  follows Exceed and it members to many races in and  around Perth and Australia  but has also been seen with members around the world.   The Hammer has  become a  prevalent  feature on finish lines demonstrating the true nature of what it  represents. 


The hammer has become a symbol that represents what Exceed  and it's members are  about in both training and racing but also the spirit of the club.  #Drop the Hammer.

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